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Jean Lambert London's Green MEP

What is the EU doing for animals?

15th June 2016

This new leaflet outlines some of the achievements of the European Union in the area of animal protection.

  • EU politicians agreed to ban the sale of newly animal-tested cosmetics in 1993; the ban was the first of its kind anywhere in the world.
  • Seal fur is no longer sold in European shops thanks to the EU seal product ban.
  • Trade in endangered species is banned throughout the EU.
  • Europe’s nature laws protect precious species and habitats in all 28 EU member countries.

Jean said: “The EU has introduced some of the strongest animal protection rules that exist anywhere in the world. These laws apply in all 28 EU countires and were adopted because people campaigned for them. Together we have shaped European law.” 

What Europe is doing for animals‘ can be downloaded here.