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Intergroup on Ageing

Intergroups are cross-party groups of MEPs who get together to discuss pressing problems, produce position papers and organise events around the theme of the Intergroup.

Jean is a co-President of the European Parliament's Intergroup on Ageing which focuses on issues related to older people.

The objectives of the Intergroup on Ageing:
• To provide a forum for discussion and concerted action by MEPs with specific interests in EU issues relevant to older people (including pensions, age discrimination, employment for older workers, and older people's health)
• To provide regular opportunities for an exchange of views on EU policies, and establish long-term working relationships
• To raise awareness about ageing issues on the European scene and to support a positive approach to ageing within the European Parliament and other institutions
• To help bring the EU closer to its older citizens by proposing measures to address their concerns and meet their expectations of an EU working for them